The Darling Dahlias and the Cucumber Tree by
Susan Wittig AlbertMy rating:
3 of 5 starsOnce upon a time, I began working my way through Albert's China Bayle's series. I have an interest in herb gardening and I like a good mystery, so it seemed a good match. I made it through #6 and then tossed in the towel. In my opinion, she's exhausted her setting and her ability to create a good mystery in that setting. When I saw this was a new series, set in 1930s Alabama, I suspected it would be a good, quick read, junk food for my reading mind. I was right. Albert digs out loads of historical information for an era that I think is under-represented in American Historical Fiction. But it's more than just fun facts, she writes interesting characters that are real enough within the confines of a cozy mystery. This book actually has three mysteries and a small ghost story going, and I had only one of them solved long before the book ended. That's a strong enough pulll that I'll give the next book in this series a try, once it's published and I'm looking for a reading snack.
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