There's no half glass full - fewer people are reading fiction.
Oh, and if the hard facts that there are fewer people reading literature isn't a dark enough cloud, there's this little tidbit from the study - more people are writing. Goody. More competition.
Week 3, exercise 6, 3 of 3
but those eyes are cold and black.
This story will have no happy ending
the demon muse has come back.
In my mind I see day kissed skin,
two bodies entwined as one.
But the story that he would tell
Is from a world with no sun.
My plot would have you call a lover.
But you simply will not obey.
You are every bit the hunter,
a spider that lures its prey
I loathe to write the lines that follow,
when he cowers in your heat.
I've been in this dark space before
No partner deserves such mistreat.
Week 3, Exercise 6, 2 of 3
The Closet
Little boy lost, little boy found
Little boy, in the ground.
Gotta grow up
gotta do you thing.
Little boy lost
Gonna be a big man.
Try to do the right thing
try to act the same.
Gonna marry your sweetheart
do the other on the side
Do the right thing
Gotta be a real man.
Look at all the pretty girls
Don’t you want a turn?
Stop doing what you do
Never should have gone that far
Little boy gotta learn
The lies they call a man.
Week 3, Exercise 6
I restarted Eric Maisel's The Creativity Book two weeks ago. One of the exercises for this week is to "Settle into mystery" and to do that, I am to write a poem a day for three days. Sure, I could write them and file them away in my laptop. But that's one of the problems I'm trying to address - the confidence to publish. Before my inner critic can talk me out of it, I send one raw and first draftish poem out into the everlasting world of the internet.
Negative energy
I don't know enough about physics
or the natural world
to say where this energy comes from.
I only know that I can feel the pull
when you are here
And when you are gone there is none.
You are a mass, a gravitational pull
At worst, a black hole
I’ve tried to balance too long.
When you are gone I move along
I have found the center
of my own universe. It is me.